When you hear the word “budget,” what do you think about? Most people would say something similar to “Ugghh!” If you would rather do just about anything besides create a budget, you’re not alone. The word “budget” brings up connotations of endless numbers, constraints, the opposite of freedom and creativity, and hard work, none of which are very desirable. Yet, the benefits of a budget are huge. Budgets can help you with … [Read more...]
The Fine Art of Prioritization
Running a business usually means putting in over 40 hours a week. In fact, if you’re the typical entrepreneur, you have more ideas you want to implement than you have time for! That’s when proactive, strategically executed prioritization can make all the difference.So Hard to ChooseIf you have lots of ideas in your head or on your “to-do” list that are not getting done, you’re certainly not alone. Here’s a process for … [Read more...]
Six Quick Productivity Tricks So You Can Go Home Early
If you have an endless to-do list, you’re not alone these days. Most of us are constantly looking for ways to work smarter and get more done. Here are six quick tips to help your productivity so you can go home early. 1. Group tasks. If you have lots of errands to run during the week, why not set aside one day or a part of a day to get them knocked out all at once? It saves start/stop time and may also save gas and time … [Read more...]
Five Bottlenecks to Avoid that Stump Your Business Growth
As a business owner, you have likely acquired many skills and are wearing many hats in your business. Although admirable, your versatility can often lead to slower growth for your company. This happens when you become the bottleneck. Here are five places to check to make sure you haven’t become the bottleneck in your own business. 1. Managing everything. It’s definitely good to keep tabs on everything that’s going … [Read more...]
Life Beyond the Profit & Loss Statement – Do You Know Your Lifestyle Ratios?
Each month, you may anxiously await the reports that provide the numbers that help you manage your business. Revenue, net income, total expenses, and payroll costs are just a few of the items that you may be monitoring on your profit and loss statement. Those numbers will help you meet and improve your business goals, but the question is, what numbers are you using to determine if you are meeting your life goals? It might … [Read more...]