Every business has a gold mine in its current customer base. But not all business owners remember to mine this gold because they are too busy trying to attract new customers or developing new products or services. This is the perfect time of year to step back and remember the three easiest ways to grow your business revenue using your existing customer base. Upsell current clients Offer steady customers a product or … [Read more...]
Eight Ways to Increase Your Profits
Increasing your profits might sound like it's an unattainable dream just out of your reach. But there are a finite number of ways that profits can be increased. Once you understand what they are, you'll have clarity on how to best reach your goals. There are two primary ways to increase profits: Raise revenue Lower expenses That's not particularly enlightening or instructional, is it? Let's look at the four ways you … [Read more...]
Budgeting Breakthrough
When you hear the word “budget,” what do you think about? Most people would say something similar to “Ugghh!” If you would rather do just about anything besides create a budget, you’re not alone. The word “budget” brings up connotations of endless numbers, constraints, the opposite of freedom and creativity, and hard work, none of which are very desirable. Yet, the benefits of a budget are huge. Budgets can help you with … [Read more...]
Seven Strategies to Put the Spring into Your Sales
Spring is here and that’s the perfect time to try something new in your business to make things fresh. Here are seven ideas to try in your business; pick the one that’s most likely to put the spring in your sales. 1. BOGO “Buy one, get one” or BOGO deals are always hot and never grow old. Even if it’s not common in your industry, see if you can adapt and create a deal like this. The best thing about a BOGO strategy is it … [Read more...]
Five Ways to Protect your Cash
As entrepreneurs, we work hard for our money, and the last thing we need is to have it disappear due to fraud, hackers, or identity theft. Some people have called 2013 the year of the hacker, which is worrisome. But you’re far more likely to experience risks with disgruntled or financially desperate employees and contractors. Mistakes happen, too, and when they do it can be costly to get them corrected. Here are five ways … [Read more...]